[Fixed] Can't import the named export 'Children' from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)

React JS Tarif Hossain


We are trying to use simple animation with framer-motion in reactjs But sometimes we are facing the following error.

Can't import the named export 'Children' from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)


You Just need to Downgrade the Framer motion version to “4.1.17” in your package.json file and then run npm install Now, Your error must be solved.

Use like this:-

import {motion} from 'framer-motion/dist/es/index'

Import in this way:-

import {AnimatePresence, motion} from 'framer-motion/dist/framer-motion'

Reinstall framer-motion:-

npm uninstall framer-motion

Then Install framer-motion@4.1.17

npm install framer-motion@4.1.17

It’s all About this issue. Hope all solutions helped you a lot. Comment below which solution worked for you?