[Solved] TypeError: this.libOptions.parse is not a function ESLint error

Node Js Mohit Mozumder


Today I am start a new typeScript project but suddenly i got this error-

TypeError: this.libOptions.parse is not a function


Actually this issue is tracked at WEB-57089, Follow it for updates. It happens by the changes introduced in eslint@8.23.0. Hope they will fix it soon.

But for a temporary fix you can downgrade ESLint. First delete node_modules and package-lock.json by running this command

rm -rf node_modules; 
rm package-lock.json;

Now, install eslint 8.22.0 by using this command.
npm i eslint@8.22.0
 now  run npm install. Hope the problem is fixed now.

Thank you for reading the article. For any other help feel free to contact us.