[Solved] How to make Next.js build time slow to faster

Next JS Mohaimen Khalid


We build our nextjs project and we face problems like next.js build times are too much slower. Then how can we make them faster?


In this article, we will discuss the possible solutions to the problem "nextjs build time issue". Let's start and follow the instruction given below.

First option: If you are using server-side render CSS generation, then it takes much time to build your project. you can remove SSR CSS generation from your project.  then you will get better performance.   

Second option: you can also speed up your build time by removing import all from css library. Like, you have need a icon from a library but you imported all of the items. it really costly. example - 

import * as Icon from "@graywolfai/react-heroicons";

You must have do like this -

import { BellOutline } from "@graywolfai/react-heroicons";

Third option: 

This solution was to change the devtool in next.config.js and it'll give you results, it will fix your low speed issue and speedup hopefully.

module.exports = withSass({
  webpack(config, { dev }) {
    if (dev) {
        config.devtool = 'cheap-module-source-map';
    return config;

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