glTF Viewer

Drag glTF 2.0 file or folder here

GlTF is a standard for Graphics Language Transmission Format or GL Transmission Format. Which is a file format for three-dimensional scenes and models.A glTF file uses only two file extensions, .gltf (JSON/ASCII) or .glb (binary).

New to text Compare?

Using our free online gltf viewer tool is simple:

    Drag glTF 2.0 file or folder here



File Viewer

-Open files glb, gitf(.3da)

-Files can be accessed from any cloud storage services or drag your document into the upload section by entering a download link. Your document will open in any browser.

3D Model Viewer

Animation shows actual pathways for all performers. Fluid animation with Up to 8x animation speed. Play and repeat all animation controls.


Highlight an individual performer. you can utilize the regular one- and two-handed gestures to scale, rotate and move the model around in space.


You can open however many models as you like, the gadget will show them around 2m in front of you following your look and, once opened, you can utilize the standard one-and-two-handed motions to scale, rotate and move the model around in space.

Voice Command

With your spotlight on a specific model, you can utilize the "reset" voice command to put it return to its original location and the "erase" voice command to delete it from your scene.


Squeeze zoom, rotate, tilt and shift to view the drill from any point.


See detailed performer arrange instructions on any count of the drill.


Switch between ensemble perspective and performer view.


Texture Transform for baseColor and emissive properties. Default is sRGB with direct control of intensity and color for each state.


Switch between 3D’s surfaces, level color, and high contrast for the performance region. Switch step grid on/off. Effectively refresh drill files to download the most recent changes. Loads grids for any performance region (fields, exercise centers, roads, stages, and so on).