CSS Minifier Online

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CSS Minify is the process of minifying code on a web page CSS's files. This is one of the main methods used to reduce load time and bandwidth usage on websites. CSS minifier tool allows you to compress and minify all of your CSS code up to 85% of its original size. Just simply copy your CSS code and paste your code in the textarea and hit the minify button to compress and copy compressed code by clicking on the copy button.

New to Minify CSS?

Using our free online Minify CSS tool is simple:

  1. Upload the source code file or Drag/Paste in your CSS source code.

  2. Hit the minify button.

  3. Download the minified CSS code file or copy the CSS minified output code .


Minify CSS Overview

Minification of CSS files can help minimize their file sizes by removing unwanted elements such as white spaces, comments,redundant code and Line-breaks from your website’s code without affecting its performance.

The compact these CSS files are, the quicker they are downloaded, bringing in a reduced execution time in page loads and improved page experience for your visitors.

Hence, CSS is reviewed render-blocking as the web browser won't perform any content until it has parsed, executed the stylesheet and downloaded.

Focusing on the complexity of your page's style and layout, your CSS files can be bigger than what's related by the browser to execute the page. The browser doesn't need for rendering the page.


How does minifying CSS impact on page loading performance?

Whenever a page loads in the browser, it needs to download, parse, and execute CSS files. As this happens on the primary-thread, it prevents the browser from tending to other tasks during the initial page load. The larger file size CSS files are, the longer they will take to download, and the longer they will block the biggest thread. Your page performance can be developed by reducing the loading of these files. CSS Minification reduces file sizes by extracting the elements that the browser does not need for rendering purposes.