Text Compare Online

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Now you can compare between two texts using our text comparison online tools. You will see the difference highlighted in the result in a few seconds. Now you know exactly what was misinterpreted, or worse copied between the two texts. With our text compare online tool, you can easily check the match between two different contents.

New to text Compare?

Starting a comparison

Using our free online comparison tool is simple:

  1. Upload your older/base document in the left box.

  2. Upload a newer/target file with the right box.

  3. Hit Compare.


Changes are highlighted

When your comparison is complete, you will see two documents side-by-side, with the changes highlighted.

Highlighted text (on the left but not the right) is highlighted in red.

Highlighted text (on the right but not the left) is highlighted green.

Text that has been replaced is considered a combination of Highlighted red text and highlighted green text.



Something is highlighted but hasn't changed

Inevitably, there are times when text Compare isn't certain about a change. In these cases, we highlight them to make sure no change is missed.

My whole document is highlighted (or un-highlighted)

The file size limits for our online comparison tool are 200 pages and 10 MB.

To compare larger documents (or Excel spreadsheets content), try text Compare Desktop.

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We have worked hard to generate a comparison tool that will serve multiple purposes. From duplicate content to theft, everything is enveloped by our online text compare tool. As well as with the help of comparisons, our text comparison tool helps you find out the reasons behind the similarities. After relating the commonalities you can reform them, as necessary. The unique features of our comparison tool are enlisted below:

AI and Machine Learning Technology

Using artificial intelligence in our operation, we use machine learning for checking between two documents. The AI technology helps in finding rewritten sentences between two textbooks during comparison checks.

Duplicate File Finder tool

You can check to copy in the text and see the difference between two drafts of the same content.

Code Plagiarism Checker

Our advanced code plagiarism detection tool is an expert at detecting codes that have been copied from online sources for assignments.


You can download the comparison report as a PDF. You also have the option of sharing the report with your associates through email and a URL.

Multi-Language Capability

Our tool is useful in organizing a comparison task with texts that contain Asian characters. We've added this feature to upgrade the scope of our tools and at the same time help our clients compare texts in different languages.

Platform Integrations

Our text comparison tool is supported by multiple platforms. With our new text comparison tool you can compare directly to Google Docs.


All text development & comparison is done in your browser. Your data remains secure. Word wrapping, Inline diff mode support.

User friendly: 

No installation. Works in all the latest browsers.

Pattern highlighting & formatting for various programming languages.